Pamela Napier facilitating a training workshop for Anthem, Inc.'s consumer experience team. The group was asked to give instructions to another team member on how to make a stick person using pipe cleaners. The activity demonstrated the importance of using both visual and verbal communication skills. Courtesy of Pamela Napier

HERRON: How do you "design think" your everyday life?

NAPIER: I think it starts with cultivating and practicing mindsets that enable you to think in a different way. You have to believe in taking action, being curious, aiming for growth, and being inclusive. So, how you nurture those mindsets in your everyday life becomes important. Personally, I'm a notorious list maker and note taker, so completing and crossing off the top three things most important on my list each day feels really good. That's the action mindset.

Reflecting on this question, I'm also realizing that I prototype pretty consistently in my life. For example, I currently have a wall in my living room with different sizes of cut-out kraft paper that I've been moving around because I'm trying to see what the best arrangement of framed artwork is going to look like before putting holes in the drywall. It's the little things, you know?