HERRON: What do you have coming up this fall?

BOWEN: As I mentioned, I have a new piece debuting at the Minnesota Museum of American Art titled "wave line," comprising low-resolution LED screens and video pulled from the website Surfline. It's for surfers wondering what's happening in Hawaii or how the waves are in Ocean Beach.

There are really great compositions and beautiful views of the waves, so I wrote custom software that's scraping the video and outputting it to LED panels. It's a low-res view of waves from very distant locations placed in front of the museum's window gallery.

HERRON: What advice do you repeatedly tell your students that may also benefit Herron students?

BOWEN: At Herron, we were always encouraged to submit materials to open calls for exhibitions and keep the work out there. If there's a lull in what you're doing, [apply to] those open calls. Most of the time, this results in a rejection letter. That's just part of it. So, get a thick skin for rejection because it's going to happen.

Lastly, working hard in your studio doesn't necessarily guarantee you anything. But not working hard guarantees that not much is going to happen. I think that's a good, realistic way to look at your studio practice.

Follow David Bowen on Instagram at @davidbowenart.