New student professional development fund launches in honor of Valerie Eickmeier

As the 2017-18 academic year comes to an end, another exciting year ahead brings fresh opportunities — including a new commemoratory development initiative that will support Herron students and engage alumni.

Herron School of Art and Design at IUPUI is establishing an endowed fund in honor of Valerie Eickmeier, who at the end of June is stepping down from her deanship role after 20 years. Supported by a lead gift from long-time Herron donors Frank and Katrina Basile, the Valerie Eickmeier Professional Development Fund for Students will bring focus to advancing the school's career development and academic advising.

The goal of the fund is to help Herron students gain industry experiences and enrichment to successfully launch their careers in art and design fields. It will provide support for internship opportunities, conference attendance, on-campus seminars, visiting guest speakers, Career Day events, and related professional development and networking activities.

Under Eickmeier's leadership, Herron has positioned itself as a leading art and design school. Her impact on the school is unparalleled due to her commitment and dedication during her deanship tenure. "Valerie is passionate about supporting student success and alumni engagement and I believe the new fund will serve as an important resource that will increase opportunities for our students as they prepare for and enter the job market," says Director of Development Kim Hodges.

You can honor Eickmeier's continued legacy at Herron by making a gift to the Valerie Eickmeier Professional Development Fund for Students — in turn, making a lasting impact on our students, our alumni, and the school.

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